OK, so I see a lot of bellyaching and grousing by Christians about the Supreme Court decision regarding gay marriage. Much of the same rhetoric gets regurgitated and repeated ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
Well, I prefer to look at this issue from a different angle.
First of all, what is marriage?
The typical response from many Christians and conservatives is that marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Then they go on to say that the gays are redefining marriage and this constitutes an attack on the family and the laws of God.
Well, the first part is right, but it doesn't go far enough. As for the rest, we'll see....
A marriage is a union between a man and a woman, but what kind of a union?
Some with a scholarly background might say, "Ah! A covenant!" Right they are.... but what kind of a covenant?
A marriage is a BLOOD COVENANT.
A blood covenant is made by the mingling of the blood of the parties making the covenant. The ceremonies and rituals for making blood covenants vary from place to place and culture to culture, but since ancient times all cultures have had knowledge and practices revolving around blood covenants. Common to all blood covenant ceremonies is that the participants will shed their own blood, or the blood of a substitute, into a vessel where the blood of all participants is mingled together. This mingling of blood equals the joining of the life forces of the participants. Through blood covenants, allies can become family, and even enemies can become family.
The one exception to the shedding of blood in making a blood covenant is marriage. In a marriage, the mingling of blood comes through sexual intercourse. This only happens when the male seed encounters the female egg.
Now the eggs don't always get fertilized and lead to the beginning of a new life, but that is not the main event under consideration. The mingling of blood through sexual intercourse is. This is why a marriage is not consider consummated, or completed, until sexual intercourse has occurred.
Of course, this mingling of blood doesn't happen between two men, or two women.
So, no mingling of blood, no blood covenant. No blood covenant, no marriage.
In case your can't see where I'm heading with this, let me say it plainly: Gay marriage doesn't exist! Ain't no such thing!
Taking two people involved in a homosexual relationship, and sanctifying it with a ceremony, and calling their relationship a marriage is like taking a pig, putting horseshoes, a saddle, and halter on him and calling him a horse! Just dressing him up that way and calling him a horse doesn't make him one.
So, to me, they can pass all the laws they want, have all the court cases and decisions they want, even have referendums creating laws that say two people of the same gender can get married, and that alone doesn't make it so. All the laws and court decisions are nothing but LIES! If Christians are to be upset about anything regarding the Supreme Court decision, they should be upset over the LIE!
But, then again, is this something Christians should get upset over? How many times do we see politicians, of all political persuasions, get caught in a lie? This has happened so much, we don't even get upset over it anymore. We even joke about it. "When can you tell if a politician is lying? When his lips are moving!"
For Christians, the biggest concern we should have about gays is not that they are trying to validate their lifestyle through so-called marriage, but that they are spiritually dead. If they die physically while spiritually dead, they face eternity without God. The biggest threat of "gay marriage" then is not to families, or the concept of family, but to God's family. Gay people who think they are okay with God, but are not, are outside of God's family, in this life and in eternity. God wants them in His family, but lies that make homosexuality acceptable keep people out of His family. As long as people think they are already okay with God when they are spiritually dead, then they see no need of Jesus.
That is what we should be most concerned about relating to gays - the loss to the family of God by gays not being born again.
You want to see an end to the "gay problem?" Then pray. Pray for revival. Pray for the gays. Pray for them, not just as a group, but specifically for any individual that you know is gay. Pray that the Holy Spirit opens their eyes to see Jesus!