27 OCT 08
Paul never refers to himself as a prisoner for Christ, but as a prisoner of Christ. He does this to show that he is always conscious of his "obligation" to Christ.
On the road to Damascus, Christ "captured" Saul and began to transform him into Paul. Saul was acting in rebellion to the Good News, so he was an outlaw, spiritually speaking, who needed to be arrested. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul states that he was apprehended (KJV) by Christ.
27 OCT 08
Paul's letter is not just addressed to Philemon. His greeting includes Apphia, Archippus, and the church that meets at Philemon's house. Paul probably included them in this letter because they too were harmed when Onesimus ran away.
Because Archippus is mentioned in Paul's letter to the Colossians, and is mentioned as being a minister, we know that these people lived in or near Colossae. Philemon must have owned an estate near Colossae, Apphia or Archippus lived with him, and he hosted or pastored a church that met at his house. Apphia and Archippus were probably relatives of Philemon. Apphia was most likely his wife, but could have been his mother or sister acting as the lady of the estate. Archippus was most likely Philemon's brother or son.
Onesimus could have been assigned to serve Apphia and Archippus, and so they would have been harmed when he ran away. If he was assigned domestic duties in the house,he could have been used to prepare the house for church meetings,and his loss would have harmed the church.
The lesson here is that the situation was not just about Paul, Philemon, and Onesimus. Apphia, Archippus, and the house church also needed to forgive Onesimus and accept him as a brother in Christ.
28 OCT 08
In verse 18, where Paul pledges to cover any loss to Philemon caused by Onesimus, commentators often state the possibility the slave might have stolen some money or other property from his master when he ran away. What we might not see is that Onesimus could have cause loss in other ways.
For one thing, his labor was not available to Philemon, and Philemon had to have someone else do that work: either someone hired, or a new slave, or the work given to other slaves and their workload increased as their productivity decreased. So Philemon had to pay the wages of a new hire, or the price of a new slave, or he lost money due to less output from his estate.
This pledge by Paul shows how much he loved both men!
This also shows us a picture of propitiation. As Paul pledged to satisfy the debt caused by Onesimus, so Jesus pledged His life to satisfy our debt of sin.
30 OCT 08
In verse 6, Paul prays " that the fellowship of your faith may become effective..." Notice that Paul did not say "fellowship of the faith..." Paul is talking about a fellowship based on a personal faith. Fellowship is also a sharing of resources and responsibilities as in a partnership.
Paul goes on to say that this fellowship becomes effective "through knowledge of every good thing" that is in Philemon "for Christ's sake." Paul is calling Philemon to remember the positive thing that Christ has placed in Philemon because of his faith, and these things were placed their for Christ's benefit. Of course, the most important thing Christ placed in Philemon is love, which he demonstrates by his treatment of the saints.
In short, Paul is telling Philemon to remember his faith in Christ, how that faith changed him, and how he treats other believers.
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