Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meditation on Titus

It's been a while since I posted anything from my "meditations" that come from assimilating the New Testament. Actually, it has been too long, since April of last year! Some of these are not real meditations, for they did not come from the meditation process. They are things that I have noticed from reading a particular book over and over. Maybe I have noticed them on my own, or the Holy Spirit has either shown them to me, or He has brought them to my attention and by focusing on them my mind or my spirit has come to see a truth. I offer them as food for your own meditation. With that said, I must now post the next entry in my meditation notebook:

Paul's letter to Titus serves as a "bridge" between his writings and the letter from Jude. They have similar themes: Warnings about false prophets and false doctrine, exhortation to food works. The major difference is Paul's emphasis on the leadership of the Church. Even though we have the Holy Spirit as our Teacher, we still need sound leaders in Church to contrast with the false leaders and to counteract their deception.

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